7.04 Server or 6.06 LTS Server?

David Koski david at kosmosisland.com
Tue May 8 22:38:11 UTC 2007

On Tuesday 08 May 2007 15:30, Florin Andrei wrote:
> Avi Schwartz wrote:
> > I am pretty new to Debian based Linux. Since Ubuntu is Debian based, can
> > I use the Debian volatile repository with Ubuntu just to get the clamav
> > updates and the Ubuntu repositories for all the rest?
> If you don't mind fiddling with the system, you can learn to make your
> own packages. Then you can just update SpamAssassin, ClamAV, etc. when
> new versions get released.
> It's not always the best idea to rely 100% on repositories. Sometimes
> you just have to build your own stuff. It doesn't happen very often, but
> it _does_ happen.

I don't think clamav is something that should have to be built yourself
since it changes so often. That is exactly why there is a Debian volatile


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