7.04 Server or 6.06 LTS Server?

Matthew Flaschen matthew.flaschen at gatech.edu
Tue May 8 03:50:26 UTC 2007

Avi Schwartz wrote:
> The machine I will use is a newer machine so I would like to
> make sure that whatever version I will use will support the hardware.

Anything on a server should be fine in Dapper (except maybe 1GB
ethernet), since you don't have to deal with wireless or graphics.

> I also would like to have the latest AV and spam fighting tools. In 
> addition, if I decide to install 7.04, next year when the new LTS 
> version will be released, will I be able to upgrade (i.e. from non-LTS 
> to LTS)?

Feisty's success (Gutsy) won't be LTS either.  Gutsy + 1 or Gutsy + 2
will be.  You can upgrade from LTS to LTS, (Dapper -> Gutsy+1 or 2) or
simply one version at a time (Dapper -> Edgy -> Feisty -> Gutsy,etc.)

Matt Flaschen

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