quick question

NoOp glgxg at mfire.com
Sat May 5 06:59:08 UTC 2007

On 05/04/2007 04:23 PM, CJ wrote:
> NoOp wrote:
>> On 05/04/2007 12:26 PM, CJ Kelley wrote:
>>> Matthew Flaschen wrote:
>>>> Bob Schmidt wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I get a menu in which I can choose which os I want to use. I can boot 
>>>>> into windows or ubuntu.
>>>> Do you mean you can boot into Windows or Ubuntu, but can't mount the
>>>> Windows drive from inside Ubuntu?  That probably means you have to
>>>> update fstab.
>>>> Matt Flaschen
>>> hmm..my ntfs 4 drive works great on ubuntu (cant write to it though 
>>> :(..but thats because of an incompatibility between windows and ubuntu)
>>> --cj
>> Well I'm confused... what is an ntfs 4 drive? I have a Win2KP NTFS drive
>> and can read it and wright to it with no problem at all. You can do this
>> in Dapper, Edgy, or Feisty. You can use the supplied NTFS driver in
>> Feisty, or use NTSF-3G in Dapper & Edgy.
>> http://wiki.linux-ntfs.org/doku.php?id=ntfs
>> http://www.ntfs-3g.org/
> ntfs 4 is a partition used by xp and 2k..your using ntfs3g which gives 
> ubuntu the compatibility to write to ntfs 4 (2k, xp)
> ubuntu must have the technology built into it to read and write to ntfs. 
> Some other mailing lists that i was on (mandriva emailing list..im never 
> returning to them again) said that linux couldnt write to ntfs directly 
> you had to use a third party program. i presumed that ubuntu handled 
> ntfs the same way
> --cj

I'm not an ntfs expert by any means, but I thought that the most recent
version of ntfs drivers from Windows is 3.1. In any event, you can use
ntfs-3g just fine.

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