Horrid fonts in Feisty

Gleb Dolgich gleb at proggle.com
Tue May 1 19:13:22 UTC 2007

Kirk Strauser wrote:
> On Tuesday 01 May 2007, Rashkae wrote:
>> Feisty's default Sans font should be Bitstream Vera Sans.. Verify that
>> you have it installed.  That being said, I'll stick with my
>> recommendations from earlier.
> I do have it installed, but I'm kind of uncomfortable with the idea that 
> only one or two fonts out of the many that came with it actually look 
> presentable.  I don't have a bunch of weird third-party "12,000 on a CD" 
> fonts installed, and if Ubuntu ships with them, they should look minimally 
> usable.

I find that fonts on my Feisty look better than on Windows XP, but 
that's a matter of taste. I think the way Feisty renders fonts is close 
to the way they look on Mac OS X.

In your font settings dialog box, try selecting "Best shapes" in "Font 
rendering" section, then click on "Details..." and select "Grayscale" in 
"Smoothing" section and "Slight" in "Hinting". Close the dialogs and 
restart GDM (or just reboot), see if that helps.

Try Insonsolata OpenType for a monospace font 

Try Delicious as the default application font and Delicious Heavy as the 
active title font <http://www.josbuivenga.demon.nl/delicious.html>

Fonts look amazing on Feisty (to me anyway :-)


Gleb Dolgich

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