I've lost my CD-ROM (kinda)

CwCrei cwcrei at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Mar 23 21:58:13 UTC 2007

Hi guys,

2.6.15-26-server #1 SMP Thu Aug 3 04:09:15 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux

I'm not sure this is the correct forum for this issue, given that it's 
not really Ubuntu specific, and I've largely solved the problem anyway, 

At install time I had a single HDD as master on my primary IDE bus, and 
a CD-ROM as master on my secondary IDE bus. I subsequently moved the 
CD-ROM over to become slave to the HDD on the primary bus, and installed 
a second HDD as master on the secondary IDE bus. At which time my CD-ROM 
drive ceased to be accessible.

I've done a bit of poking around, as a relative newcomer to Linux, and 
found the CD-ROM drive again as /dev/hdb - fstab is still trying to 
mount /dev/hdc as /media/cdrom0, which I assume is a cause of my 
vanishing drive. Manually mounting /dev/hdb as /media/cdrom0 allowed 
apt-get (which is what had failed, alerting me to the problem), to work 

So, question 1: All I have to do to get the CD-ROM drive to work as 
intended from boot-up is to edit fstab to reflect the change of position 
of my CD-ROM drive from /dev/hdc to /dev/hdb? It there anything else 
that needs changing?

Question 2: How do I get this change to take effect properly without 
rebooting? Reading the man page for mount, having corrected fstab, do I 
just run "mount /dev/hdb", which will cause mount to go looking for 
/dev/hdb in fstab and mount just that device as instructed by fstab, 
without affecting anything else?

Question 3: For educational purposes, my actual /dev/hdc is a large HDD 
partitioned 50/50 and then recombined as a linear mode RAID device, 
appearing as /dev/md0 and mounted under /media a few lines after my 
CD-ROM in fstab. Anyone care to take a guess at what trying to mount a 
partitioned HDD as a CD-ROM, and then subsequently combining those 
partitions as a linear RAID device and mounting that at boot time will 
have on the integrity of my data?

... the linear RAID experiment worked beautifully, and continues to do 
so for the time being.

Thanks for your help.

Take care,


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