In place upgrade Dapper=>Edgy=>Feisty

Peter Garrett peter.garrett at
Wed Mar 14 04:23:16 UTC 2007

On Tue, 13 Mar 2007 18:55:26 -0700
Jim Smith <jim at> wrote:

> What is the preferred method to accomplish a system upgrade? Should
> Synaptic be used? I've not yet figured out how to make it look at the
> next distribution.
> Looks like dumb question but I've never upgraded a system in-situ.

Going from Dapper --> Edgy --> Feisty would involve two complete
dist-upgrades ( you can't really go direct from Dapper --> Feisty )

Have a look at

where you will see, in the "similar names" column on the right, links to
advice for Dapper --> Edgy and Edgy --> Feisty

On the whole, though, it might be easier and quicker to simply install
Feisty directly, after backing up your data from Dapper, IMO , since each
upgrade will take time and bandwidth.


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