Help required with ext3 partion on Edgy-Eft - V6.10

Mario Vukelic mario.vukelic at
Sat Mar 10 19:40:26 UTC 2007

On Sat, 2007-03-10 at 11:13 -0800, Romeo Dionne wrote:
> Initially, I used the "Systems Settings" progam and made options
> changes there.

System Settings? What's that? And what changes did you make there?

> That brought up a screen to allow "Loop". When I clicked "ok" system
> came back with an error message that it couldn't do what I asked.

Please give the exact error message
> This morning, I discovered the "mount -a" command and used it in a
> root terminal.

What for? "mount -a" mounts all filesystems in fstab. However, the
device in question (sda1) has the "auto" option anyway and should be
mounted upon boot

>  the system did not respond with any messages. Seemed to have accepted
> the command ok. But, still could not write to the drive.

Why are you desperately mounting the drive? You said you can read from
it, so it must be mounted already.

Can you please give the output of "mount" as I requested? It would be
best to reboot and then issue the command so that we get the output
without you having messed around

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