Herd5 on older hardware

Joel Bryan Juliano joelbryan.juliano at gmail.com
Mon Mar 5 15:49:52 UTC 2007

On 3/5/07, Wade Smart <wade at wadesmart.com> wrote:
> 03052007 0910 GMT-6
> Is herd5 going to be able to run on standard hardware? I have been
> reading about these graphics and Im wondering, will ubuntu get so far
> along where you cant install it on a normal machine - like (crap)vista?
> wade

I've been using Herd 5 on a 8 years old computer, PIII 800, the only
problem I got is my video card is much older than my PC, which I got
from a 386 computer. So if you have a 1MB video card, the versions of
Xorg higher than 7.0 can have problems. My highest screen resolution
is 8bpp under Edgy and Feisty, and 16bpp on Dapper.

But I can still make use of the hardware (inspite of), since it's all I got.
I have a blog which I post most of the software I made for Gnome and
Ubuntu, http://joelbryanonsoftware.blogspot.com, It's funny I made a
compiz manager, even  if I can't use compiz! LOL! :-)

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