Best BT client (was Re: More on torrent clients ( which was Re: Here is Herd5 ))

Steve Lamb grey at
Mon Mar 5 13:36:25 UTC 2007

Gabriel Dragffy wrote:
> I have been using the *best* bt client on ubuntu for some time now.

    Well, best is a matter of personal preference, no?  Now, functional and
more than bare bones, that's something we can discuss.  :)

> The client I use is *uTorrent* and I can safely say that this works 
> *perfectly* under wine, so I am a very happy camper.

    Yeah.  I had uTorrent on my machine and just downloaded the latest version
to give it another go.  About the only thing I don't like is that its screen
updates flicker.  But that might be because I am running it under Wine and
displayed through TightVNC.  OTOH Azureus doesn't flicker.

    Oh, and for the record, uTorrent under WINE is using far less CPU than
Azureus does and far less RAM.  "Far less" as in Azureus would peg my CPU at a
load of 1 on just one torrent and take up 300Mb of RAM.  uTorrent is pushing a
whopping 0.01 load and 10Mb of RAM.

> Failing that it sounds like you may enjoy Ktorrent, but that's just not 
> a patch on uTorrent.

    I looked at KTorrent and for some reason I took a pass on it.  Couldn't
tell ya why.

         Steve C. Lamb         | But who decides what they dream?
       PGP Key: 8B6E99C5       |   And dream I do...

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