swap partition won't mount

Alex Janssen alex at ourwoods.org
Sun Mar 4 23:39:35 UTC 2007

Gabriel Dragffy said the following on 03/04/2007 03:56 PM:
> Ha!
> Genius!
> There was no symlink in /dev/disk/by-uuid so I made one and voila!!
> Question is why didn't mkswap make one automatically... a bug perhaps? 
> We'll see. Thanks for the tips Alex, much appreciated. Take it easy.
> Gabe
Glad it worked for you.  I think mkswap did not make the link for me the 
first time I ran it, either.  But it di the second time.  I do know that 
I gave only the device file as a parameter the second time.  The first 
time,  I gave it -c to check the partition for bad blocks. 
Did it survive a reboot?


Charlottesville, Virginia

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