QT looking like GTK (was: Feisty with Gnome 2.17.92 ?!)

Michael R. Head burner at suppressingfire.org
Sun Mar 4 05:17:28 UTC 2007

On Sat, 2007-03-03 at 17:34 -0800, Mike Fedyk wrote:
> Duncan Lithgow wrote:
> > Sadly my time travel sounds like it was just a dream! Shall I tell you
> > about my vision of gnome 2.20?
> > * KDE and Gnome have adopted a shared standard so all KDE software looks
> > Gnome on the Gnome desktop!
> In related news.  "Trolltech developers switch to GTK!"
> Seriously, a standardi(z|s)ed theme system would be a Good Thing.

What's wrong with

(OK, there should be one that does the opposite)

Michael R. Head <burner at suppressingfire.org>
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