apt-get won't update

Matthew Flaschen matthew.flaschen at gatech.edu
Thu Mar 1 11:28:27 UTC 2007

>     After re-installing my who Ubuntu system on my laptop yesterday, I 
> can't seem to do any apt commands for updating my system or installing 
> Gnucash.
> It keeps giving me messages to do with errors and resolving.
> What I did was hook my broadband modem up to my laptop without using my 
> wireless card and I thought it would switch to use my wired broadband.
> Do I need to set anything in Edgy before I can upgrade my system or 
> install packages using my wired Broadband connection?
> I was actually told by someone who helped me last time before I messed 
> up my system and had to re-install last night that I didn't necessarily 
> need to use Network Manager but the problem is I don't know how it was done.

To ask the obvious, do other internet applications work?

Matthew Flaschen

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