More mileage from an ancient machine

Peter N Spotts pspotts at
Sat Jun 30 01:35:09 UTC 2007

On Fri, 29 Jun 2007 21:15:30 -0400
Felix Miata <mrmazda at> wrote:

> On 2007/06/29 19:45 (GMT-0400) Peter N Spotts apparently typed:
> > A friend of mine is turning over to a friend of hers a 1998 Dell
> > Inspiron 3200 with an XGA color monitor and MMX "technology" -- my
> > friend wasn't sure whether the processor was 166, 200, or 233 Mhz.
> > How well might Ubuntu Feisty Fawn run on this, assuming the machine
> > is otherwise in operating order? The recipient of this antique is
> > interested in web browsing and email at the moment -- maybe some
> > work with Open Office when she discovers it...
> > I ask because my friend's cousin wisely suggested Ubuntu when my
> > friend balked at installing Windows XP on the machine -- the
> > recommendation of a commission-happy salesperson at her favorite
> > computer store. 
> has
> the official requirements, but I don't believe they're realistic,
> understating RAM requirement and overstating CPU speed requirement.
> Best thing to do with a machine like that is try Xubuntu, but only if
> you can populate it with 256M or more of RAM. Motherboards of that
> vintage typically are limited to 256M but acquired with 128M or less.
> Start by checking the motherboard chipset. If an Intel 430VX, take a
> pass on even trying. If Intel 430TX or HX, or VIA or SiS, give it a
> try.
> If Xubuntu installs successfully but is found to function but with
> intolerable performance, you could consider a CPU upgrade, after which
> you might consider the more popular and resource hungry Kubuntu or
> Ubuntu. Old machines like that can often be upgraded to 400MHz or more
> by swapping out the Pentium CPU for an AMD K6/2 or K6-III generally
> available used for free or cheap.

Many thanks!


Peter N. Spotts | Science reporter
The Christian Science Monitor
One Norway Street, Boston, MA 02115 USA
Office: 617-450-2449 | Office-in-home: 508-520-3139
Email: pspotts at | Amateur-radio call: KC1JB |

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