Can't play music CD

Felix Miata mrmazda at
Sat Jun 23 16:21:36 UTC 2007

On 2007/06/22 10:32 (GMT-0700) maxim wexler apparently typed:

> Don't remember if you said you were using alsamixer to
> control sound card settings. If so, perhaps you need
> to unmute the CD line. Should be on the far right of
> the screen.

The only place CD shows up is near the middle of a zillion columns. It was about 80%, but works better at 100%, until the CD spuriously ejects again.

I tried simply running mount several times between inserting the audio CD and when it got ejected. The result never showed anything about /dev/hdd or /dev/cdrom or /media/cdrom*. Eventually it always
gets ejected, ~2 minutes at most.

Also, it isn't required to start any media player for the music CD to get ejected. It seems there must be some daemon running that periodically inspects whatever might be present in the CD drive and
ejects it any time a music CD is found.

When I insert a retail box Seagate HD installation CD, mount shows /dev/hdd on /media/cdrom0 if I answer open in new window. There is no option to mount only, though if I select do nothing, it does
get mounted to /media/cdrom0. It then shows up on the actual desktop, but not in a Konqueror window that claims to show the desktop, even after refresh. Once so far even the Seagate CD spuriously
ejected, after I closed the Konq window it had opened in.
"Respect everyone."	I Peter 2:17 NIV

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409

Felix Miata  ***

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