Browsers Availability?

NoOp glgxg at
Sun Jun 17 21:52:31 UTC 2007

On 06/17/2007 04:58 AM, Leonard Chatagnier wrote:
> Is Iceweasel available from Ubuntu?  What source do I need to get it,
> if available? Generally, how can I download, install any or all of
> Seamonkey, Iceweasel, mozilla-browser perferably with a .deb file?
> TIA,

- Download the linux GTK2 version
- Read: <>
- Extract with archive manager by double-clicking in nautilus. Make sure
that you have 'Re-create folders' checked. That will extract to a
directory named seamonkey-installer.
- Open up a terminal can cd to seamonkey-installer.
- In the terminal:

$ su -c ./seamonkey-installer

Note: do not use sudo, use su -c instead. Also, make sure that you have
a proper password set for root
(System|Administration|Users and Groups.

You'll be promted for your root password & then you're off to the
standard SM installion wizard. SeaMonkey will be installed in your
/usr/local/seamonkey directory.

Once you have completed the install, you can follow the 'Adding
SeaMonkey to the GNOME Panel' - your icons directory will be located at:
/usr/local/seamonkey/chrome/icons/default/. However I'd recommend that
you do this instead:

Adding SeaMonkey to Applications|Internet:

   1. Right click the Applications icon, select 'Edit Menus'. When the
Menus selection opens up click on the Internet icon. You'll see all the
items such as Firefox, Evolution etc.

2. Select 'New Item'. That will bring up the Create Launcher. Fill in:

Name: SeaMonkey

Command: - click the 'Browse' button and find your way to File System
/usr/local/seamonkey/seamonkey - click open. Command will now read:
/usr/local/seamonkey/seamonkey. (You could have typed manually, but it's
better to browse so you become familiar with your system & directories.

Comment: you can add whatever you want - perhaps SM 1.1.2 so you know
what version this is.

Now click the 'No Icon' button. Click the 'Browse' button and find your
way back to /usr/local/seamonkey/chrome/icons/default/ and click 'Open'.
You'll now find the default SM icons. Click on 'seamonkey.png' and click
OK. That will take you back to 'Create Launcher', click 'OK'. That will
place you back in 'Main Menu' and you'll see your SM in the Items
section. Click 'Close'.

3. Click 'Applications|Internet'. Right click on SeaMonkey. Click on
'Add this launcher to panel'. Now SM is in the Applications menu and on
the Gnome panel; therefore you can skip the 'Adding SeaMonkey to the
GNOME Panel' instructions because you've already done it.

4. Click on SM in either the Applications|Internet menu or the SM icon
on the Gnome panel & off you go.

Gary Lee
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:
Gecko/20070509 SeaMonkey/1.1.2

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