Adding fonts to Feisty
Brian Astill
bastill at
Sat Jun 16 04:56:45 UTC 2007
On Saturday 16 June 2007 08:59, NoOp wrote:
> On 06/15/2007 03:25 PM, Ed Smits wrote:
> Can you see the fonts in Nautilus?
(I'm in trouble, too)
Yes - as root. Otherwise not.
Here's the problem:
bra at dapper2:~$ cd /usr/share/fonts
bra at dapper2:/usr/share/fonts$ ls -l
total 12
-rwxr--r-- 1 root root 37 2007-06-16 12:45 fonts.cache-1
drwxr--r-- 33 root root 4096 2007-06-11 16:41 truetype
drwxr--r-- 3 root root 4096 2006-05-31 10:26 type1
bra at dapper2:/usr/share/fonts$ cd truetype/
bash: cd: truetype/: Permission denied
> You might find these links helpful:
Unfortunately my browsers wont work without the fonts!
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