Adding fonts to Feisty

NoOp glgxg at
Fri Jun 15 23:29:59 UTC 2007

On 06/15/2007 03:25 PM, Ed Smits wrote:
> I'm trying to add some fonts, have tried both methods found by
> googling:
> 1) Copy the fonts to the fonts folder /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ and 
> run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig'.
> 2) put them in ~/.fonts and run fc-cache
> I now have the fonts in 3 places - /root/.fonts, 
> /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ as well as my own ~.fonts, have run both 
> fontconfig as well as fc-cache (this as both sudo as well as me), 
> still can't see the fonts in the Fonts folder, but they are now 
> available in a Fonts dropdown box, however what is the correct way to
>  do this for a system wide use?
> ED

sudo fc-cache -f -v

$ fc-cache --help
usage: fc-cache [-frsvV?] [--force|--really-force] [--system-only]
[--verbose] [--version] [--help] [dirs]
Build font information caches in [dirs]
(all directories in font configuration by default).

  -f, --force          scan directories with apparently valid caches
  -r, --really-force   erase all existing caches, then rescan
  -s, --system-only    scan system-wide directories only
  -v, --verbose        display status information while busy
  -V, --version        display font config version and exit
  -?, --help           display this help and exit

Can you see the fonts in Nautilus?
[Go|Location then enter fonts:/// into the location bar]

You might find these links helpful:

You may have to log out and log back in to see the fonts, but in most
cases you shouldn't have to do this. Generally just doing an 'F5' in
Nautilus will refresh the listings.

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