4 times no match md5sum Xubuntu Alternate CD

NoOp glgxg at mfire.com
Mon Jun 11 19:37:07 UTC 2007

On 06/11/2007 04:42 AM, Chris wrote:
> On Sat, 2007-06-09 at 18:49 -0700, NoOp wrote:

>> Got exactly the proper md5sum after ftp'ing from
>> ftp.cw.net/xubuntu/releases/feisty:
>> $ md5sum *.iso
>> d38e78d8a8b6e8e43ded19cdaa2d0361  xubuntu-7.04-alternate-i386.iso
>> Are you checking your md5sums on the file you download, or on the CD
>> after you burn it? If the latter you will have different md5sums. Please
>> verify that you are checking your md5sum via the terminal on the
>> *downloaded* file, *not* the file on the CD.
> Thanks...really thanks for the effort.  I thought the FTP site was going
> to fix this problem...it didn't...again!  I'm downloading it
> again...this has to be at least 16 times now, but only the second from
> the FTP site. I don't know what's going on here...but I have never seen
> this before.  
> Thanks again for the resources.
> I'm determined to get this iso
> Chris

Try bittorrent?

If all else fails, drop me a note directly and I'll mail you one :-)

BTW: I'm preparting to wipe out a Win2KP install and put xubuntu on it.
I'll let you know what I think of xubuntu after I'm finished.

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