Xubuntu 7.04 - system-wide Proxy settings - where?

David Stubblebine dstubb.mylists at gmail.com
Sun Jun 10 02:32:21 UTC 2007

On Jun 9, 2007, at 12:10 AM, Luigi wrote:

> if you know how to do it from the command line then go ahead and  
> get it over with ;-)
> On 6/8/07, David Stubblebine < dstubb.mylists at gmail.com> wrote:So  
> I've installed Ubuntu 7.04 on several older iMacs with few
> problems.  However, I put Xubuntu 7.04 on one and can't find where to
> enter network proxy settings.  Without it I can't download updates,
> etc.  Is there a control panel somewhere or do I have to do it from

Can anyone help with this issue?  Surely someone on the list is using  
xubuntu with on a network with a proxy server??

David Stubblebine
Norwalk, OH

"Power corrupts.  Absolute power is kind of neat"
-- John Lehman, Secretary of the Navy, 1981-1987

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