Broken Repositories And Things

Leonard Chatagnier lenc5570 at
Sat Jun 9 03:58:46 UTC 2007

Hi All,

A bit of info if you please.  I see that is broke supposedly for just a day
or two but still unavailable after several days.  So
Adept upgrade wizard wont dist-upgrade to feisty for
me.  It also broke when upgrading to edgy from dapper
maybe because the cat mirror was down then too but was
able to fix it with Aptitude.  Anyway, is there a
substitude mirror that will perform the same function
as the cat mirror so I continue my upgrade to feisty
or am I just going to have to wait until the cat is
Haven't been able to get the digest delivered to my
mail box but I will monitor the user list uri for any
Also, tried to order from Shipit and alternate feisty
CD but can't get anything but the live CD which wont
work on my 128 MB ram.  Is there an alternate CD for
feisty?  If so, can anyone give me the uri link to
order it, free of course.  I've really googled for a
couple of days for the alternate CD but only came up
with one that you can burn to CD(iso image) but I
can't burn a CD.  Any suggestions most appreciated.  I
have one post with replies that I haven't responded to
because I haven't received the digest.  Have requested
it twice and only get a bounced email because I am
already subscribed.  Any help here is also
Sorry for the multi-topics.  I'll only do it this one
time.  Appreciate any hints, suggestions, whatever and
thanks for your help.

Leonard Chatagnier
lenc5570 at

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