Debug mode for running scripts?
Nils Kassube
kassube at
Sat Jun 9 15:29:24 UTC 2007
Jan Sneep wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: ubuntu-users-bounces at
> > [mailto:ubuntu-users-bounces at]On Behalf Of
> > Nils Kassube
> > Sent: June 9, 2007 8:54 AM
> > To: ubuntu-users at
> > Subject: Re: Debug mode for running scripts?
> >
> > Jan Sneep wrote:
> > > Is there some way to run a script in a step-by-step way to
> >
> > see how far
> >
> > > the script goes before it runs into an error? Something
> >
> > like a verbose
> >
> > > step-by-step option of some kind?
> >
> > If you include
> >
> > set -o verbose
> >
> > to the script it will print every command before execution to
> > standard
> > output.
> So I would edit the script file and add that line at the top of the
> file?
Yes. But in the second line, not the first line. Then the start of your
script looks like this:
set -o verbose
> and by standard output you mean the screen or some actual file
> someplace?
Ooops -- that was wrong! It is not "standard output" but "standard error".
I'll try to explain how it works: Every command in Linux has 3 standard
I/O files named "standard input", "standard output" and "standard error"
(they are called files, but they are not files you find on your hard
disk). If you run the command from a terminal, "standard input" is
usually connected to the keyboard, and "standard output" and "standard
error" are connected to the screen. If the command is run from some other
program, it depends on that program, what is connected to these files.
Now, if you run your script with the "set -o verbose" option from a
terminal, you will see both the normal output and the name of the
commands run by the script.
The question is, what does your script in case of a failure? If it stops
at some point, you can see the last executed commands on the terminal. If
it goes into an endless loop, you will see the commands of that loop
flying up your screen (until you stop the script).
If you want to save standard output and standard error to your disk, you
can redirect the "standard output" to a file with "> outfile", and you
can redirect the "standard error" to a file with "2> errfile". Then your
command line looks like this:
myscript >myscript.out 2>myscript.err
If you want to save both standard output and standard error to the same
file, the command would be
myscript >myscript.out 2>&1
But with these commands you will not see any output on your screen,
because it is redirected to the file(s) on your disk. With the command
myscript 2>&1 | tee myscript.out
you can see the output on your screen while it is simultaneously saved to
a file on your disk.
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