4 times no match md5sum Xubuntu Alternate CD

Chris ubuntu at eportel.com
Thu Jun 7 02:41:24 UTC 2007

Hey guys...
I've downloaded the Xubuntu Alternate CD like 4 time and before I burn
it to CD I'm trying to confirm the checksum..all four downloads md5sum's
are different.
This is a line from where I'm downloading from...if you scroll down on
that page there is md5sum info there also.  I'm downloading the i386
Xubuntu Alt. CD. Does anybody else have this down that can confirm if
the md5sum matches what it's supposed to be....ever?!


I really need this Alt Cd becuase the Desktop CD of Xubuntu will not
load (because of the Live portion) on an old 633Mhz (intel810 chipset)
PC.  I just installed the Alt version cd of Kubuntu and it was no
problem....except this PC's resources are low.....so I would rather try
Xubuntu...How is this pronounced anyway?  Is it "Zoo-Boon-too"?


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