my windows/linux network

Brian McKee brian.mckee at
Tue Jul 31 20:55:59 UTC 2007

On 31/07/07, cj <debiani386 at> wrote:
> Brian McKee wrote:
> > On 31/07/07, cj <debiani386 at> wrote:
> > Can you just clairfy - Windows XP Home? 98? 3.1? 2K?
> >
> xp home
> > And how do you log in when the Windows machine is powered up?  Click a
> > name? or does it log directly into Windows without a log in page?
> >
> and it logs in directly w/o login page (boy that sounds like a secure
> server dont it? :P )

OK - so that means 'Simple File Sharing'  (I'm not a Windows expert mind you)

Try 'Guest' and 'Guest' or 'Guest' and blank password.

Also, IIRC (I'm used to XP Pro) you should have a user name at the top
of the start menu still - even if it automatically logs you in.  You
could try that username.


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