my windows/linux network

cj debiani386 at
Tue Jul 31 20:28:37 UTC 2007

Brian McKee wrote:
> On 31/07/07, cj <debiani386 at> wrote:
>> hi all
>> im having a problem connecting to my windows network via linux. I am not
>> the admin of this network and it is _not really secured_ as it uses
>> McCaffee antivirus and Firewall. The mccaffee firewall that we use
>> doesnt block against incomming network connections.
> Hmmm - a firewall that doesn't block incoming isn't a firewall AFAIK
> I think you mean doesn't block outgoing?
well im afraid that the firewall we were using was McCaffee firewall 
(which we are removing). idk if afaik  is windows compatible or not with 
windows (since the admin insists on using windows on our server and im 
the only ubuntu user in the family)
> At any rate if you can use other Win machines on this network it's not
> the problem.
> Can you just clairfy - Windows XP Home? 98? 3.1? 2K?
xp home
> And how do you log in when the Windows machine is powered up?  Click a
> name? or does it log directly into Windows without a log in page?
and it logs in directly w/o login page (boy that sounds like a secure 
server dont it? :P )
> Brian

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