Gaim setup issues

NoOp glgxg at
Thu Jul 26 04:04:10 UTC 2007

On 07/25/2007 07:53 PM, cj wrote:
> NoOp wrote:

>>> try pidgeon. its the all-new gaim
>>> i dont know of any other chat clients for linux (i dont chat much any 
>>> more). But ive worked with gaim quite a bit (with setting up yahoo and 
>>> some others) so i know what to do when it comes down to the yahoo part of it
>>> --cj
>> You mean pidgin?
>> How do you go about doing that easily? I can only find it in the gutsy
>> repos.
> pidgin, sorry, i havent installed pidgin on my system (i have gaim and 
> havent tried upgrading to pidgin yet)
> but maybe you could look under the backports on fiesty and see if you 
> can find pidgin there
> --cj

Then why would you recommend installing pidgeon/pigdin?

The subject is: Gaim setup issues

For the OP/Chris: just install it and experiment. I'd provide more
detailed info, but I don't use it & my son who uses it extensively is
off firefighting in the Sierra mountains just now. However, I did manage
to set it up and get it working for him some time ago and a nurse for my
in-law. Seemed pretty self explanatory.

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