*.run files

Nathan Howell nathan at atdot.ca
Tue Jul 24 17:29:39 UTC 2007

GĂ©rard BIGOT wrote:
> On 7/24/07, *cj* <debiani386 at gmail.com <mailto:debiani386 at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Hi all
>     as some of you may know by now, im not a professional at linux, so
>     pardon me if this question seems extremely stupid.
>     im just wondering how to execute *.run files (as ive noticed that alot
>     of the big linux games are now in *.run and not *.sh)
> In linux execution-ability is a right you give to files (as seen on the 
> left most of 'ls -l', seek the x signs). t's in no way related to an 
> 'extension', like in other OSes.
>  in order to add the execute rights to file use 'sudo chmod +x <filename>'.

If you own the file (as you will if you just downloaded it), you don't 
need to use sudo. Just 'chmod +x <filename>'. Sudo is only needed when 
you're working with files that your user account doesn't have permission 
to mess with (like system files).


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