Feisty Install: slow to bring up apps

Brian Fahrlander brian at fahrlander.net
Tue Jul 24 03:44:01 UTC 2007

     I was running Dapper until very recently. My /home and /shares 
directories for this machine come from an NFS share.  When NSCD's 
upgrade killed the existing Dapper->Edgy upgrade, I just decided to 
reload it with Feisty (alternate), from a local CDROM.

     But in the time I've taken to start this message, I've gotten 
disgusted with Planner, started this message, and planner's still a 
no-show.  Everything opens like OpenOffice: the long, slow road. 
Generally about 1-2 minutes.  The machine's a 129mHz Athlon with 1/2G of 
RAM and 20G of local drive space.

     I thought about the NFS tuning; I have rsize and wsize at their max 
of 8k...

     Firefox is slow to come up, too, but I figured it was some kind of 
issue with a "Dapper" /home directory and a "Feisty" installation, since 
it takes nearly two minutes to come up, but it shouldn't after the first 
time, right?

     Almost everything is slow; Firefox, Thunderbird, about the only 
thing that seems the same is UnrealTournament and trivial apps like 
desktop games and such.

     Anyone got a clue? [I'm not even sure how to research this one...]

  Brian Fahrländer                 Christian, Conservative, and Technomad
  Evansville, IN                              http://Fahrlander.net/brian
  ICQ: 5119262                         AOL/Yahoo/GoogleTalk: WheelDweller

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