
jonathan jonathan at logical.co.zw
Mon Jul 23 12:52:44 UTC 2007

well done sorry that I wasn't much help.

jonathan hopley
deepak wrote:

> Disabled ipv6 completely, reinstalled iptables. So far, it seems to be 
> working fine.
> johan wrote:
>> My opinion too, I use shorewall, based on iptables. Removing iptables is 
>> not an option. I will debug iptables a bit. Or programmers of iptable 
>> here present in this mailinglist ?
>> Greetz,
>> Johan
>> jonathan wrote:
>>> deepak you do know that iptables is the firewall for linux so removing 
>>> it is not such a good idea.
>>> deepak wrote:
>>>> What happened to me was similar. That's why I removed iptables, and 
>>>> there is no problem now.
>>>> johan wrote:
>>>>> hi
>>>>> since my last upgrade of iptables, file sending amsn doesn't seem to 
>>>>> work very well anymore. After a few bytes of sending, the sending 
>>>>> blocks. Very strange. Also mismatches in packets sent (bytes)
>>>>> greetz,
>>>>> Johan
>>>>> deepak wrote:
>>>>>> After the recent iptables update on my Feisty, my DSL connection would 
>>>>>> sleep after a few minutes. I tried downgrading it to the previous 
>>>>>> version, but even that did not work. Ultimately, removing it did.
>>>>>> Any ideas?

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