boot splash screen

Luca Ferrari fluca1978 at
Mon Jul 23 07:17:56 UTC 2007

On Thursday 19 July 2007 NoOp's cat, walking on the keyboard, wrote:
> # defoptions=quiet splash vga=791

I've placed a vga=788 in my menu.lst and now it works! Thanks!
No just another couple of questions and then I'm done:
1) why in the main menu at boot, the one where you select the os to boot, I 
can no more see the selection bar? I mean, I'm not able to understand on 
which row of the selection menu I'm currently positioned.
2) is it possibile to configure grub thus hitting a key (esc, f2,...) I can 
switch from the splash screen to the verbose text mode and vice-versa?


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