Anyone could see my mail?

Bui Viet Dung dcdr.ubuntu at
Sun Jul 22 12:01:44 UTC 2007


I've registered in this Ubuntu-user maillist for weeks, but I couldn't
contribute anything since I couldn't reply to this maillist! I don't
know why, but ofcourse I don't think it's Gmail issue since I can see a
lot of Gmail users here. The problem is when I tried to reply a mail in
this list, I could see my reply sent (stored in Sent folder in Gmail),
but when I refreshed the maillist, I couldn't find my reply email
anywhere there. And in the settings in the maillist setup page
(, I did check to
make sure the option "Receive your own posts to the list" set to Yes. So
I really have no idea why I couldn't send any reply mail to the list. I
would like to contribute to this list, so please shed a light on this
problem for me. Thanks in advance.

P/S: By the way, I'm using Evolution to send emails, so is this
Evolution-specific issue?

Best regards,
"Really, I'm not out to destroy Microsoft. That will just be a
completely unintentional side-effect." -- Linus Torvald.

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