HP LaserJet 4050 help

Wade Smart wade at wadesmart.com
Sun Jul 15 22:45:31 UTC 2007

Bruce Marshall wrote:
> On Sunday 15 July 2007, Wade Smart wrote:
>> 07152007 1655 GMT-6 DST
>> That got the printer to spool up. It spit out one page with nothing on it.
>> Hey! Progress.
> I have an HP4000  running on fiesty but it is network connected.
> One thing you want to remember is that when you're messing around like you 
> are, sometimes you can send something to the printer that will cause it to 
> get 'farkled'.  (a good scientific term... <g>)
> It's a good idea to turn it off and on again from time to time to get it to 
> reset.
07152007 1741 GMT-6 DST

Yes it is and I have been. Thanks.


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