Dummy Question-Client For MS Network Or Samba AS Server?

Leonard Chatagnier lenc5570 at sbcglobal.net
Fri Jul 13 18:39:06 UTC 2007

 Leonard Chatagnier wrote:
> Please consider me as a complete dummy on networking/samba setup.  I 
> have an Ubuntu Feisty computer and a WinXP computer on my 2WIRE 1701HG 
> DSL router/modem combo.  Ubuntu is direct wired and WXP is wlaned with 
> a Linksys WMP54Fv4.0 adapter. Ubuntu can see the shares on the WXP but 
> WXP is not aware that Ubuntu exists; can't map network drives from WXP 
> and can't access shares from Ubuntu.  Have tried Samba setup several 
> times over the years but never successful.  My main question is 
> server/client related:
> What should be the server(from Ubuntu operability viewpoint), Samba or 
> Client for Microsoft Networks?
> I understand, right or wrongly, that one must be the server; the other 
> the client...???  I can't determine from the properties if "Client for 
> MS Networks is setup as server or client under the default WXP setup 
> but can select from menu which it's to be.
> Yes, I've read all about Networking/Samba at:
> http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty not to mention googling now 
> and over time on this subject as suggested in a previous post.
> I can certainly use any enlightenment or whatever before attempting 
> another Samba/WXP setup.
> TIA,
> Leonard Chatagnier
> lenc5570 at sbcglobal.net 
I would try using webmin


It can make Samba and other server setup quite painless.   :)

Thanks Andro,  I'll give it a shot.  An OP has recommended gsambad to try but it didn't work for me.  I'm sure its something I'm doing worng but what is my problem.

Leonard Chatagnier
lenc5570 at sbcglobal.net
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