Low configuration

Allan Valeriano allvaleriano at gmail.com
Fri Jul 13 17:10:36 UTC 2007

Hi all,

I have a friend who is running the Windows XP on a 128MB RAM & 10Gb HD
computer, but she's having real problems with that (of course) and wants to
get rid of windows.
As she cannot afford to upgrade her computer right now, I suggested her to
install linux there, but after checking the minimum configurations for
Ubuntu (256MB RAM & 4Gb HD) I had to look after another choice. Well, I've
found Xubuntu, which requires 128Mb RAM & 1.5GB HD.

I'd like to know if 128Mb RAM will be too bad for her to run Xubuntu or not.
I know it's going to be faster than running Windows XP for sure, but I'd
like to really convince her not to go back and install XP again. I think her
processor is a Pentium 2.

What do you think? Will it be ok or is it still going to be slow?
She is one of those users that just go online, check emails, talk on
msn/gtalk, download songs/videos and sometimes use the Office. Nothing too

thanks in advance for any help
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