LimeWire & java??

Bob Hemus bob_hemus at
Wed Jul 4 02:56:04 UTC 2007

Tim Frost <timfrost at> wrote: Bob,

On Sat, 2007-06-30 at 20:23 -0700, Bob Hemus wrote:

This message is saying that you need one of these packages installed,
and listed in the dpkg control files (ie shown by dpkg -l).

They are available in the multiverse repository.  Add that repository,
then install whichever of the four packages you want to use.
sun-java5-jre and sun-java6-jre are the run-time packages, while
sun-java5-jdk and sun-java6-jdk are the full development packages. Java
6 may not be available for dapper, but is available for edgy in
edgy-backports (described in the Software Sources application on edgy as

The Ubuntu package will install in standard locations.  If you have
installed from a Sun binary distribution, you need to remove that
installation and replace it with the equivalent Ubuntu package.  This
will satisfy the dependency that the LimeWire package is missing.

> Thanks, Bob


Thanks much, Tim.  I´'got a bunch of oney doos"for tomorrow and the next day, but I´ get to it as soon as I can.

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