Wireless Woes U7.04 and D-Lnk WDA-1320

Pete Holsberg pjh42 at pobox.com
Sun Jul 1 20:50:56 UTC 2007

David Vincent keyed the following on 7/1/2007 12:48 PM:


> > It works fine with WEP but I don't see a way to get WPA working.
> > How did you do that?
>  Nothing special, I enabled WPA on my AP and used Network Manager to
>  connect to it.  NM did all the hard work - it told me it was a WPA
>  network, asked for my passphrase, then asked to store it in the
>  Keyring and then asked for that password too.

I'll try that.

>  What size WEP key are you using and is your system Open or does it
>  use Shared Keys?

5 ASCII characters at the moment. Open System. HTH.

Pete Holsberg
Columbus, NJ

Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.
- Napoleon Bonaparte

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