
Jeffrey F. Bloss jbloss at
Tue Jan 30 07:42:01 UTC 2007

User Iam wrote:

> Hi
> How do I make my picture thumb nail size?
> When I import picture from camera they are 700K.
> How do I make them 17 thumbnail

There's likely dozens of ways, but being the old school type I am
I've always installed the ImageMagick tools and used the
command line 'convert' in a simple script. Check the standard
repositories for 'imagemagick' I think. You won't be disappointed.
The tools therein are top shelf, and the included HTML documentation is
well written. :)

     _ _      Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend.
    (o o)         Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.
-oOO-(_)-OOo-------------------------------[ Groucho Marx ]---
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