New member and two questions

Santiago Erquicia santiago.erquicia at
Tue Jan 30 00:32:39 UTC 2007

2007/1/29, Chris Gilland <clgilland07 at>:
> 1.  I have an Intel Pro Set Wireless onboard wireless chip.  (Well, ok, I
> guess it's a chip but any who...)  I do have an Intel Pro ethernet port as
> well, however, mobility is important for me.  I want to be able to go online
> from any room in my house, thus I need my wireless.  I know there is a
> program called gtk wifi but do I really need it?  I didn't ask, is it
> suggested to get, I said, is it *needed*  Again, I wanna keep this as simple
> as possible.  so the less I gotta install extra, the better.  Secondly, if
> Ubuntu will automatically let me connect without any extra packages etc.
> where do I need to go to do so.  I'd rather do this through the graffical
> interface than through a terminal window in a configuration file if
> possible.  If that isn't possible, then please be sure to be incredibly
> specific on what to do as configuration files are not my thing.  i know I'll
> have to get used to them, and I will, but remember I'm new at this.  For
> now, i just wanna get up and running.

I would recommend you to install the package network-manager-gnome
through synaptic (System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager).
I think it is on the main repository so you should find it easily. If
it is not there, let me know and I will give you instructions on how
to enable the extra repository.

The advantage of installing network-manager is that it will connect
with your wireless network as soon as it sees it or if you plug in
your computer to a wired network it will switch automatically. This
doesn't happen with the official way to configure your network access,
but is way easier to use once set up.

Once you install network-manager, restart your session. I will have an
icon on the top left of the screen where you can select which wireless
network you want to join. If your wireless network is protected, you
will have to enter your credentials.

I don't think you need to install ndiswrapper to use your wireless
card since it is an Intel one. Try first without installing it.

Hope this helps.


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