java JRE upgrade 10 does not work
Derek Broughton
news at
Wed Jan 24 13:38:26 UTC 2007
Peter Garrett wrote:
> On Tue, 23 Jan 2007 20:21:44 -0400
> Derek Broughton <news at> wrote:
>> Peter Garrett wrote:
> [snips]
>> > after the java install ( not forgetting update-alternatives --config
>> > java )
>> Not necessary - it's part of the install.
> Really ? I didn't see it, and when I checked with update-alternatives
> --config java I had to change the number...
I went from sun-java5-jre as my default, installed sun-java6-jre without
doing anything with update-alternatives, and "java" was set to the 1.6
version. I guess one needs to check.
>> That's not a complete runtime - you need sun-java?-jre. The bin package
>> is just the native code. Damn, I forgot the plugin :-)
> Umm...
> $ apt-cache depends sun-java6-bin
> sun-java6-bin
> Depends: sun-java6-jre
> [snip]
How about that... I didn't know you could do cyclic depends. I knew (and
just rechecked) that sun-java6-jre depends on sun-java6-bin. I didn't
realize it could be vice versa as well. You keep learning stuff with
linux :-)
> Right, libc6 needs careful handling - although I haven't had trouble
> with it in upgrades here :)
I've had upgrades without issues, and others with, and suspect it's only
really a problem when I'm using the cutting edge packages. There was a
security update to edgy's libc6 this week, though, and I didn't have the
nerve to try without removing libc6-i686 first :-)
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