(K)Ubuntu & Mac OS/X

Olivier Picquenot oli at aurait.eu
Tue Jan 23 10:01:14 UTC 2007

Alain Muls a écrit :
> Hi
> I am looking for a replacement of my portable.
> I am very much tempted by the new Mac OS/X and its intel based Mac's. Is it 
> possible to
> 1. create a dual boot between OS/X and (k)ubuntu?
> 2. is it possible to use the existing OS/X installation and run with Xen or 
> VmWare from (k)ubuntu 
> 3. is it possible to run the (k)ubuntu from the OS/X boot using parallels(?)

1. Yes it is, using bootcamp (still in  beta, part of OS X 10.5)
2. Yes it is
3. Yes it is

I'd say getting an Intel based mac is a good idea.

Olivier Picquenot

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