Upgrade to Edgy failing on X11R6 error

Dave M G martin at autotelic.com
Mon Jan 22 06:53:16 UTC 2007


Thank you for responding.
> Try running 
> sudo aptitude dist-upgrade
> and 
> sudo apt-get -f install
> alternately , until the system sorts itself out 
As I had described at the beginning of this thread, this was not working.

However, I found through my local Linux user's group that the solution 
was to manually kill the packages that were blocking my install of edgy 

sudo dpkg --purge --force-all

Then, after that, I was able to restart the install process and get all 
the way through.

By the way, the two offending packages that would not remove themselves 
because of cyclic dependencies were two help files for OpenOffice.

When you think about it, the fact that two malformed help files could 
hold up the install of an entire OS is a pretty good indication that 
somewhere there is something seriously wrong with the packaging system.

Just my .02$ (or 2 yen where I am).

Dave M G
Ubuntu 6.10 Edgy Eft
Pentium D Dual Core Processor
PHP 5, MySQL 5, Apache 2

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