Turn of mail status reports

reader at newsguy.com reader at newsguy.com
Mon Jan 22 04:51:23 UTC 2007

Derek Broughton <news at pointerstop.ca> writes:

> reader at newsguy.com wrote:
>> How do I turn off the Status reports I receive with every mail sent:
>>  Mail Delivery Status Report will be mailed to <reader>.
>> I don't see this in a gmane search of this list nor do I see anything
>> in /etc/postfix/*.cf that I can recognize as being the source of these
>> reports.
> You should tell us what you're using to post...  It's not postfix, it's your
> mail program.

OK, .. but I've used mail and mailx for years and never saw this
status report before so it is something unique to ubuntu setup.

I'm using mailx from command line to test mail setup .... that is all
the mailing I've done with this new install.

I expected any reporting of the fate of mail would have to come from
the app that sends it out... postfix.

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