What's happened to the, "System," menu in Feisty?

Janne Jokitalo janne.jokitalo at dnainternet.net
Wed Jan 17 14:39:45 UTC 2007

Cybe R. Wizard wrote:
> It appears to have been totally raped.  There is no longer anything
> there except Help, About Ubuntu and About Gnome. 

I'm not inside Feisty right now, but in my install there is Gnome control

> If that's not bad
> enough there is no longer any menu entry for Synaptic anywhere.

I suppose it's inside the control centre.

> OK, except for in the, "Debian," menu item which has all as usual.

That's funny, cause I don't recall seeing a Debian menu item at all. Could
it be that it still locates at Applications menu?

> Was this an intentional part of dumbing Ubuntu down for the masses?

No comment, as I have not been a part of this in least bit. For the record,
I thought it's a bit uncomfortable, but I hardly ever use any part of them
in the first place. Just tweak my usual keyboard shortcuts, and I can forget
about the menus. :)


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