Rhythmbox and podcasts

Andy stude.list at googlemail.com
Mon Jan 15 11:06:49 UTC 2007

On 15/01/07, Brian Fahrlander <brian at fahrlander.net> wrote:
>     It was set for every hour, in case it helps, I've set it for every
> day. We'll see.  I've been watching the results of the test for several
> hours now, and it hasn't changed, other than an a "PubUpdate" field.

Not sure if this helps but feedvalidator.org says the publication date is wrong.
see: <http://feedvalidator.org/check.cgi?url=http%3A%2F%2Fpodcast.oneplace.com%2Fbam%2F3021336.xml>

The RFC for the actual items is ok, just the feeds pubdate is wrong.

It needs to conform to RFC-822 (google for it).

If Rythmbox thinks the feed hasn't changed or is older than the
version it may ignore it (not entirely sure, and without looking at
the source code can't be sure).

There is a bug in rhythm box that assumes dates it doesn't understand
must be 1st of Jan 1970 (dates on Unix are stored as the number of
seconds from that date).

has it ever listed new episodes since the original list?

Just had a quick look so here's a bit more about date specification.
The RFC is at: <ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc822.txt>
Look at section 5.

Its a bit hard to understand but I think this is right.
The date should consist of 3 parts,
a day followed by a comma (day is either Mon, Tue, Wed, etc.) (optional)
the date (defined later)
the time (defined later)

Date consists of:
1 or 2 digits (representing day)
the Month (either Jan, Feb, Mar etc.)
2 digits (represents year)

Time consists of:
zone (time zone, e.g. GMT)

hour is:
2 digits for hour
2 digits for minutes
2 digits for seconds (optional)
separated by ':'

The feeds pubdate is:
1/15/2007 5:49:06 AM

this should be:
15 Jan 07 05:49:06 GMT
(assuming GMT timezone)

of course there is nothing you can do about this, only the feed owner
can fix it.

feed validator also complains about missing enclosure type and length.

Have you noticed it with other feeds?

If I get time I may set up my own feed to test things out a bit. The
problem with someone else's feed is you have to wait for it to update.

Maybe you called talk to the feed owner to see if they will change the
pubdate of the feed to comply to RFC-822?

_ Andy

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