KTorrent Slow...
Peter Garrett
peter.garrett at optusnet.com.au
Sun Jan 14 01:58:36 UTC 2007
On Sat, 13 Jan 2007 16:50:40 +0200
"Amichai Rotman" <amichai at iglu.org.il> wrote:
> Isn't there something I can do? Like add Trackers? If yes - where do I find
> them? Is it at all related to the problem? Where can I find KTorrent
> specific guides /HOWTOs?
The principles are the same for any torrent client, as far as I know. You
will want to adjust some settings along these lines:
* In the ktorrent Preferences (Settings - Configure ktorrent ) , set your
Maximum upload rate to about 80% (or slightly less) of your upstream
maximum . Restricting upload slightly will ensure that you don't choke
yourself by saturating your upload pipe - but keep the upload rate as high
as you can within that 80% or so .
* Use non-standard ports - in other words, don't use 6881. Choose
something in the high range randomly - something like 45678 or 59876 or
whatever. Make sure you adjust port forwarding accordingly, of course.
Ktorrent uses a separate UDP port so that needs forwarding too (All this
assuming UPnP doesn't "work" for you - but personally I just set the port
forwarding manually)
I don't see an adjustment for "maximum upload slots per torrent" in
ktorrent. Azureus and several other clients allow this to be adjusted too.
Although some of the advice on the following URL is Azureus-specific,
reading it will give you a better general overview of torrent settings:
The page has quite a few links, the most useful of which is probably
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