system >administration >networking..shows nothing

Rich Brant rbrant at
Sat Jan 13 13:19:10 UTC 2007

> I am not sure if I understand your situation correctly or not. Do you mean
> that when you click on administration > networking the control panel does
> NOT come up? (Or do you mean that the window does come up but there is
> nothing inside it?) I have seen the first problem a couple of times and it
> seems to be related to /etc/hosts or /etc/hostname getting screwed up. Do
> you have the same problem with other administration apps?

the former.. and the /etc/hosts idea sounds right.  I had an issue
with MySQL ( that's another story :) and I think I adjusted that file.
I'll try this and see if it helps.  Thanks, Craig!

> Can you open networking via a terminal with:
> gksu network-admin
> If not what kind of error does it throw up?

yup: "unable to lookup (my pc name) via get by hostname()"

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