DVD Burning MultiSession Strangeness

Ben Edwards funkytwig at gmail.com
Fri Jan 12 15:38:33 UTC 2007

On 04/12/06, Ben Edwards <funkytwig at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have been trying to burn multisession DVDs.  Gnomebaker can create
> the initial session (I just do not finalise) but k3b can not create
> first session.  Gnomebaker can not then read the session details
> (Action->Impoer session) so I have to use k3b to write subsequent
> sessions.  I also have to run both as root.  Any idea why this is,
> dont mind mutch whitch I use but would like to only use one.

Was wondering if anyone knew of a good general resource for Ubuntu DVD
burning (including multi session).


> Regards,
> Ben
> --
> Ben Edwards - Brussels & Bristol, UK, England
> If you have a problem emailing me use
> http://www.gurtlush.org.uk/profiles.php?uid=4
> (email address this email is sent from may be defunct)

Ben Edwards - Brussels, Belgium & Bristol, UK
If you have a problem emailing me use
(email address this email is sent from may be defunct)

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