Giving Apache a life-sentence, or: Putting Apache into a complete chroot jail

Carsten Aulbert carsten at
Fri Jan 12 15:16:52 UTC 2007


I'm just curious to know if someone has a bit of experience with this:

I want to put an apache2 web server serving PHP, FastCGI and
mod_perl/Mason web pages into a complete chroot jail, i.e. no small
chroot via mod_chroot or mod_security.

I've found and read an awful lot of HOWTOs tutorials and the like,
however, most start with compiling the beast from scratch which does not
sound right for an Ubuntu system ;).

Therefore my questions:

(1) Are there some tools which might help? I've seen makejail, jailer,
jailtool and others, but it's hard to tell which one are good ones.

(2) Any known show stoppers?



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