gdm failure?

Jeffrey F. Bloss jbloss at
Fri Jan 12 07:43:30 UTC 2007

John Dangler wrote:

> I did a synaptic upgrade today.  All of a sudden, I'm logged out of
> gnome and taken back to the gdm login.  I look in preferences,
> thinking that a session time out has somehow been set.  I'm looking
> in the screensavers, and I notice its random.  I start looking at the
> individual screensavers starting from the bottom of the installed
> screensavers list.  I come to an entry (I don't which one it is), and
> I am logged out again.
> Now, since that entry was the last entry I selected, every time I go
> into screensavers under system->preferences, I am immediately logged
> out!
> Every time i'm sitting idle in gnome long enough for the screensaver
> to launch, I'm immediately logged out!!
> Can someone here point me as to where this is stored so I can change
> it and find the borked screensaver ???


You can peek and poke at that. Shouldn't be more than a screen full.
Relevant tags would be "mode" and "themes". Failing that you could try
moving %gconf.xml somewhere else and hope it's recreated, or maybe
someone will come up with the right gconftool-2 utterance to change the
setting properly because I frankly don't know it and I'm just too lazy
to look it up. :)

If all that fails you might try getting medieval and making
gnome-screensaver non-executable with...

sudo chmod -x /usr/bin/gnome-screensaver

Your guess is as good as mine what that will mean to the screensaver
configuration util, but it might work temporarily to allow you to
change settings.

> Thanks.

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