
norman norman at littletank.org
Thu Jan 11 14:02:14 UTC 2007

I have just finished copying and printing four pages of manuscript using
XSane. During the process the printer icon appears in the top panel, as
it should. When the printing is completed the icon is still in the
panel, as it shouldn't. Right click on the icon followed by 'open' tells
me that I have four items waiting to be printed, each one called
(stdin). They are said to be 2.5MB in size and in the job-stopped state.
Resume printing has no effect and the icon disappears only after
deleting the four items.

As far as I can find out (stdin) is said to be the place where a process
usually takes its input, by default, the key board. Can anyone suggest
why (stdin) appears as an item to be printed following the use of XSane?


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