GNU/Linux based CAD Environment;

email.listen at email.listen at
Thu Jan 11 12:07:15 UTC 2007

Am Thu, 11. January 2007 10:23 schrieb Yagnesh Desai:
> Dear Thomas;
> Just for the record the Varkon is also there in ubuntu archives.
> Comming to the topic. Man you went to great depth on this topic,
> Congratulations. Hence I was forced to think further.
> I also found your concerns valid and relevant for CAD environment
> As you pointed out the GNU/Linux + CAD environment is  something
> can be a real big thing.
> If someone consider the distribution based on CAD application
> then one would also have to multiply the number of complications
> mentioned by you and they would look something like:
> - Which Linux kernel (2.4.x or 2.6.x)
> - Which environment GNOME, KDE, XFce, FluxBOX. .
> - Which Hardware X86, AMD, PowerPC (my knowledge is limited)
> - Which Display . . . .
> The focus would be lost from CAD to OS.

I think the focus should be having as most as possible reccources left for the 
CAD application('s). For this I would vote for a lightweigt window manager, 
e.g. XFCE.
If such a CAD Distribution would be based upon XUbuntu the questions which 
kernel, hardware or display is mostly obsolete due to the fact that this 
would be given by XUbuntu. (BTW: that's why I had the idea of a 
sub-sub-distribution. one sub for CAD and the other for XUbuntu :-))

> While the distribution would support only Varkon. Fogeting the
> real issues mentioned by you which needs to be shorted out
> to get a real good CAD environment. While many of the people would
> not like to migrate to Varkon. I am yet to try it out.

Varkon came up during the starting thread and because till now it is the most 
powerfull I'm aware of. So it might be better to use the term &CADapp instead 
of Varkon. I would be very glad if we have more Distributions which are 
tailored for specific company branches. :-)

> I would like to compare GNU/Linux based CAD environment concept to
> GCC instead of Linux. As this so called GNU CAD environment can bring
> all CAD related contributions to a standard. I think is a
> good step while I am yet to understand how succesfull they are
> at creating standards.
> I was really curious why so many application for simillar task.
> All seems to be inventing the wheel of their own.
> QCAD, PythonCAD, VariCAD, BricsCAD . . . . . . . and they
> seem to be doing same thing. What I call is
> "Everyone invented the wheel."

This often has 'historic' reasons or because of special threngtheness in one 
or the other technical / functional aspect.

AFAIR Varkon was originally developed for SAAB a well reputated aviation 
industry company from Sweden. So this is also the reason for Varkons strength 
in freeshape surface design which is a must for developing an airplane.
Catia can be found in a lot of automotive companies, e.g. Dymler Chrysler.
Other CAD Environments have their historic roots in electrical engineering, 
e.g. Eagle or in the architecture, e.g. AutoCAD. You will find others for 
moulding design, optics design, ..., ..., ....

On the other side the big number of applications for one and the same task in 
GNU/Linux is also an argument for (Branch)tailored sub-sub-distributions.  
Under the aspect of winning world domation this would make it easier for 
interested people to get into contact with free software in professional 
environments. For them it would give (or is it would be? Sorry my rotten 
english) some kind of 'proof of feasibility'.  

The listing of aplications you gave in the paragraph above is often asked when 
one gets in contact to professionals, e.g. at a GNU/Linux booth on fairs and 
trade shows. A lot of theese people are irritated by the big number of 
applications for the same task in GNU/Linux. It's the classical 'not to see 
the wood for the trees' phenomenon.

> While main aim of OpenSource (GNU) effort which I consider
> is using the wheel which is already invented and adding engine
> to it to finally get a Merz . .
> More Discussion on this would again put us offtopic and might
> remove us from this user group . . Ha Ha Ha . . . !
We are not on a Debian list...

And not to forget discussion is the first step before planning...

> From: email.listen at
> Subject: Re: GNU/Linux based CAD Environment;
> To: ubuntu-users at
> Message-ID: < at>
> Content-Type: text/plain;  charset="iso-8859-1"
> Am Wed, 10. January 2007 11:46 schrieb Yagnesh Desai:
> > Dear Thomas;
> >
> > Great that you have pointed out the Varkon.  I will surly try
> > it out.
> >
> > Just for your information debian has it in its repository what
> > we can do is try to install it from Debian's archive.
> >
> > On the CAD based distribution I have a wild thought:
> > I think one can start a distributing "CAD addons" for linux.
> > From this place Source codes of such software would be linked
> > to and also a compiled .iso image would be available so after installing
> > your favorite Linux distribution (ubuntu/fedora) you just drop in
> > this "CAD addons" CD and the cad environment get installed.
> >
> > Since ubuntu or Fedora for that matter will not like a CAD installation
> > in the base installation. Considering the lesser usage.
> >
> > What do you say.
> There are several aspects which are against your idea.
> 1st different package management, rpm, deb, slx,....
>     This will become a sisyphus job or as in a german saying 'a job for
>     someone who slew father and mother'
> 2nd What exactly shold be 'CAD addons'
>     Part libraries, parametric sets, addon scripts, additional programms,
> ...
> 3rd For which field of CAD
>     Architecture, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, ...
> 3rd Wich standardisation to use
>     Iso, EN, DIN, ...
> 4th What will be the applications which should be on the cd
>     QCAD, XFig, Varkon, ...
> Your idea seems to be smart on a first run but if jou give it a closer look
> you may see that all the above points I mentioned not only sum up but
> morelikly multiply each other. So a DVD will become too small for all this.
> But IMHO a stronger argument is how such an addon cd will be seen by
> professional CAD users who are familiar with professional CAD environments.
> I
> fear it will only be seen as another set of hobbyist applets.
> The reason why no one has started an Asterisk at home like CAD distribution is
> its complexity. It will be hard to distribute only a Varkon for mechanikal
> engineering plus some part libraries on a single CD.
> So on the long run it will come to an Varcon based distribution which has
> additional cd's which have the needed packages. E.G. a cd for architecture,
> one foe electrical engeneering, one for mechanical engineering, ....
> So what I said max be seen overambitious but I beleve it might be worth to
> be
> discussed / done because such a projact may have the same impact to the CAD
> field than Linux has to the field of OS.
> regards,
> thomas

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